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Showing posts with the label Atoto Atori

J for Jack of all trades: The Therapist

Six months into twenty-three of the twentieth century, I'm still pondering how the Elephant Vanished. Well, more like lady vanishes 1938 Alfred Hitchcock black and white movie from YouTube where an English lady had vanished from a moving train and everyone onboard had agreed that there was no lady at all to begin with. Imagine the distress on the young lady. Daktari assured her that things had rational explanation. It is a nice story  You should watch it for free on YouTube if books or my stories aren't your thing. In  my story, an elephant had vanished with a Portrait of the Brown lady on fire. With her Yvi  secret codes.   No digital prints left. He was never there before, and my creative arts had taken a wild ending. Maybe I was looking for unnecessary war, but I had already lost. I had lost, and when I found her, the exclusive portrait of a brown lady on fire digitally painted by the mentalist, Ukwazi, upside down on the cabinet on the 12th floor, I kis...